Apollo 14 mineral ages and the thermal history of the Fra Mauro formation

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Compston, W.
Vernon, M. J.
Berry, H.
Rudowski, R.
Gray, C. M.
Ware, N.
Chappell, B. W.
Kaye, M.
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Pergamon Press
In this paper we document and give multiple interpretations of the isotopic ages of Apollo 14 igneous rocks cited previously at the Third Lunar Science Conference (Compston et al., 1972). Our major-element analyses for the latter were given at the same conference, and major- and trace-element analyses on these and of the remainder of our allocation, various Apollo 14 fines, will be reported and discussed later.
Moon, Lunar surface samples, Fra Mauro Crater (Moon)
Compston, W., Vernon, M.J., Berry, H., Rudowski, R., Gray, C.M., Ware, N., Chappell, B.W., Kaye, M., 1972. Apollo 14 Mineral Ages and the Thermal History of the Fra Mauro Formation, in: Proceedings of the Third Lunar Science Conference. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 1487–1501.