Workshop on Pristine Highlands Rocks and the Early History of the Moon : a Lunar and Planetary Institute workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 15-17, 1982
Workshop on Pristine Highlands Rocks and the Early History of the Moon : a Lunar and Planetary Institute workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 15-17, 1982
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Lunar and Planetary Institute
Oxide composition of the Moon, evidence for an initially totally molten Moon, geophysical constraints on lunar composition, random sampling of a layered intrusion, lunar highland rocks, early evolution of the Moon, mineralogy and petrology of the pristine rocks, relationship of the pristine nonmare rocks to the highlands soils and breccias, ferroan anorthositic norite, early lunar igneous history, compositional variation in ferroan anosthosites, a lunar magma ocean, deposits of lunar pristine rocks, lunar and planetary compositions and early fractionation in the solar nebula, Moon composition models, petrogenesis in a Moon with a chondritic refractory lithophile pattern, a terrestrial analog of lunar ilmenite bearing amulates, and the lunar magma ocean are summarized.
Lunar petrology--Congresses