Human and robotic operations planning framework for executing Artemis lunar scientific exploration
Human and robotic operations planning framework for executing Artemis lunar scientific exploration
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Eppler, Dean B.
Baker, D. C.
Bell, E.
Evans, C.
Head, James W.
Helper, M.
Hodges, K. V.
Hurtado, J.
Klaus, Kurt K.
Neal, Clive R.
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It is critical that the next steps in lunar scientific exploration be understood in the terms of the goals and preparations required, including crew skill sets and training. This includes the operational approaches necessary to conduct productive and efficient surface science operations, the hardware and training necessary to acquire the appropriate samples and data, and the experience and training required of those involved, both crewmembers on the Moon and operations personnel on Earth. Each of these elements needs to be integrated into mission design, planning, training and execution of Artemis from the beginning, such that science is an integral part of the operation, not a late-stage add-on.