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    Model Archive for Paper: "Tectonism and Enhanced Cryovolcanic Potential Around a Loaded Sputnik Planitia Basin, Pluto"
    ( 2021-12) McGovern, Patrick
    This archive contains files used to create and plot results from the spherical shell loading models presented in the paper McGovern, P. J., O. L. White and P. M. Schenk (2021), Tectonism and Enhanced Cryovolcanic Potential Around a Loaded Sputnik Planitia Basin, Pluto, J. Geophys. Res., 126, e2021JE006964. The first group of files (with suffix .mph") contains "cleared" versions of COMSOL Multiphysics (hereinafter "CM") model files. By "cleared", we mean that the "Clear All Meshes" and "Clear All Solutions" tabs in the "Edit" menu of CM have been executed, removing all model results and finite element meshes from the files, which allows compact storage. The results can be recovered by executing the "compute" command within CM. pluto_2Dshell_nominal_cleared.mph produces the model of Figure 5 of the paper (uncompensated basin model). pluto_2Dshell_vt_cleared.mph produces the model of Fig. S9 of the paper (compensated basin model). Second group of files are matlab scripts (with the suffix .m) to carry out the iteration process. The third group of files comprise a Generic Mapping Tools script (with suffix .gmt6) for plotting model results and a color palette file (with suffix .cpt) for plotting the A_psi parameter of Simpson. The last file is a Word document, Guide_to_COMSOL_McGovern_etal_2021_v3.docx, describing how to carry out the iterative load-determining process used to generate the models in the manuscript.
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    Downwelling LW Flux and Aerosol Opacity at Jezero Crater, Mars, as Derived from MEDA/TIRS
    ( 2022-11-09) MARTINEZ, GERMAN
    This dataset contains the downwelling LW fluxes in the 5–80 microns range and the IR aerosol opacity needed to reproduce and plot the results shown in Figs. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 15 of the manuscript entitled "Surface Energy Budget, Albedo and Thermal Inertia at Jezero Crater, Mars, as Observed from the Mars 2020 MEDA Instrument", currently under review in JGR:Planets.
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    SCM dataset for manuscript "Surface energy fluxes and temperatures at Jezero crater, Mars"
    ( 2022-10-11) Savijärvi, Hannu ; Martinez, German ; Harri, Ari Matti
    This dataset contains the Single Column Model (SCM) output needed to reproduce and plot the results shown in Figs. 3-5, 7-11 and 13-14 of the manuscript entitled “Surface energy fluxes and temperatures at Jezero crater, Mars”, by H. I Savijärvi, G. M. Martinez, and A.-M. Harri, currently under review in JGR:Planets.
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    Coordinated Neutron and X-ray Computed Tomography of Meteorites: Detection and Distribution of Hydrogen-Bearing Materials
    ( 2022-08) Treiman, Allan H ; LaManna, Jacob M. ; Hussey, Daniel S. ; DeClue, Isabella ; Anovitz, Lawrence M.
    SOM-1: Calculations referred to in text, and additional color schemes
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    Global 3-color mosaic of Triton - ogb
    ( 2021) Schenk, Paul
    Global 3-color mosaic of Triton, using color filters orange, green and blue